Monday, December 31, 2012

outfit flashback

Here are some of my 2012 outfits.
Maybe I should start to wear more colors for 2013 no?
and I should really take outfit photos outdoors because I know 
that most of you are so sick of my indoor photos. haha

p.s I'm planning to change my blog url and name. 
Hope you'll will still support my little humble blog :)

best of 2012 post will be up! please keep posted :)

Love, Maria

Friday, December 28, 2012

hello yellow

Hello there lovely bees and awesome people!
As promised, here's an outfit post wearing my first dress
from my first sponsor and my new hair color. Yay!!

click Read More for more outfit photos and details :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

insta thursday 2

another set of photos from my IG account. :)
follow me @iammariabee

1. my 6 month old puppy, Bruno getting his vaccine
2. my seafoam nails vs my sister's pink nails 
3. my oh-so-beloved vintage bag
4. yummy treats from

p.s sorry for not posting outfit posts for the past
few weeks. I've been busy with work eh.
I'll be posting an outfit shot wearing a beautiful dress from
my first sponsor so please please keep posted :)

Love, Maria

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas lovely bees and awesome people!!!
God bless you and your family!!!

Love, Maria

Saturday, December 22, 2012

let's celebrate : interview with the frustated arte-tect

"I came to realize that some of  these "flaws" make up 
the whole me and makes me, just ME"

I met Karen once during the PhFW day 2 and she 
reminds me so much of "The Plump Pinay". What I love about 
Karen is that she can carry herself  with confidence. :)

"I don't usually go with trends because if I do, I might lose my personal style."

click Read More for the complete interview

Thursday, December 13, 2012

insta thursday

random photos on my instagram account (@iammariabee)
All photos are taken by my samsung galaxy ace plus :)

1. view from the bus window
2. view from the cab going to Mall of Asia
3. random post at Puerto Princesa. It reminds me
of the movie "Everybody's Fine"
4. Grass and a little red flower at BGC

Love, Maria 

Monday, December 10, 2012

liebster award - 3 is too much

Another Liebster Award!!! This is my third time and I guess
number 3 is lucky no? Thanks to Juventine of Rebellious Chick 
for nominating me. It's fun to answer the questions, to share
another 11 facts about myself and to nominate
 another 11 blogs. Though I'm having some
trouble thinking of another 11 new questions. haha :)

The Rules:
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 
11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to. 
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers of course) to 
pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award. 
5. No tag back!

11 Random Facts About Me
1. I have a natural curly hair.
2. I have a lot of gray / white hair since I was
on 4th grade.
3. I am talkative.
4. I believe that I am funny and fun to be with. haha :)
5. I hate spiders and I am scared of 
Spiderman's costume.
6. I want a pug or a bulldog.
7. How deep is your love is one of my top favorite songs.
8. I work as a property specialist /
real estate agent.
9. I hate eggs for breakfast.
10. I discover the happiness in thrift store
shopping when I was 16.
11. I really don't know how to put
a mascara. :)

My Answers:
1.   favorite style icon
old movies, bloggers, zoey deschanel, taylor swift.
sorry I can't choose one :)
2.   favorite songs currently
skinny love, you're a cad, now is the start, and
 "indak" are on my  playlist over and over again
 for a few weeks now.
3.   choose one. shoes, clothes, jewelry, or bag?
4 .  your dream career
I want to be a vintage and thrift store owner someday.
5.   do you want a tattoo?
YES!!! I want 1, 2, or 3. haha :)
6.   what are you excited about?
I am excited to sold a unit or 2 because
I have to do my job. haha :)
7.   do you think a lot about what people think/talk about you?
depends on the people, If they are my workmates, I should
consider and adjust myself because I am so talkative most 
of the time that I have to ask them if they get annoyed. :)
8.   if you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
Christian Louboutin's Pigalle Patent-Leather 
pumps in 85 or 120mm in Black :)
9.   if you had a plane ticket to everywhere, where would you go?
I would love to go to Greece!
10. whats your biggest mistake this year?
Wasting a lot of precious time and exerting too much 
effort to save a dying relationship.
11. honestly, are you trustworthy?
Yes, I am :)

11 questions for my nominees!
1. If you could change your name, what would it be?
2.What's your favorite song lyrics from your favorite song?
3. What would be the food that you can eat every 
single day for the rest of your life?
4. Adele or Katy Perry? Why?
5. What's the best thing about blogging?
6. Where is your dream vacation?
7. Would you rather fly up in the clouds or swim under the sea?
8. Who is your closest blogger friend?
9. What is your dream closet must have? (bags/shoes/clothes/accessories)
10. classic or trendy? Why?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

let's celebrate : interview with sef tiburcio

"always focus on your uniqueness"

I've known Sef for almost 2 months, though I haven't meet 
him in flesh, I salute his dedication in blogging and
 his love for thrift store shopping. 

"try to experiment until you find your own style"

click Read More for the complete interview

Thursday, December 6, 2012

liebster award - second time around

one of my recent daily reads and adorable blogger,
 Yunita of Pink TearyDream had nominated me for this Liebster Award.
This is actually my second time to get nominated and I must say 
that this award is really fun to do because you could discover
a lot of new and awesome blogs around the blogsphere!

The Rules:

1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 
11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to. 
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers of course) to 
pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award. 
5. No tag back!

11 Random Facts About Me
1.  I am a thrift store and vintage addict.
2. I have a weird childhood nickname which is "Bunek" (boo-neck). 
I don't know what does it mean and who's the mastermind 
behind that nickname.
3. I have 2 NSO birth certificate with 2 different first name on it
(Maria Neri and Maria Regina Neri) I used the latter one though.
4.  I wish I have Inara George's and Adele's voice.
5. I don't have the talent to dance, sing, or draw :(
6. I'm such a pain in the ass during PMS.
7. I want to donate blood and get a tattoo.
8. My shoe size is 26.5 - 27 cm.
9. I'm 5'5 1/2" inches tall with semi M - L body size.
10. I love tulips and stargazers but I think no one knows about it. :)
(so for all guys out there, my favorite flowers are 
tulips and stargazers, not rose, okay? haha )
11. I love to take pictures of clouds. 

My Answers:
1. What is your favorite book?
The Time Traveler's Wife, One Day, and Tuesdays
with Morie are on top of my list.
(sorry I can't choose one eh)
2. What movie that makes you cry?
I cry easily whenever I watch movies. 
but "Everybody's Fine" made me cry big time! 
3. Describe yourself in three words
thrift - store - addict :)
4. Have you ever googled yourself and been surprised at what you've found?
Nope. Maybe I'll try. hehe :)
5. Favorite designer?
I don't have a favorite designer.
6. What is your favorite Tv shows?
Eat St., Everyday Food, Curiosity Got The Chef. 
7. What is your all time favorite movie?
Somewhere in Time, it's an old movie about finding true love
on a different time starring Christopher Reeves.
8. Favorite Quote?
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage" by Anais Nin
9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Nothing in specific, I just want to live on a place where
I can have a perfect sunset view and where I can ride a bicycle
while wearing a dress / skirt :)
10. When do you start blogging?
September 2011.
11. What is your favourite brand (clothes/shoes/jewelry)?
I don't have a favorite brand.

11 questions for my nominees!
1. If you could change your name, what would it be?
2.What's your favorite song lyrics from your favorite song?
3. What would be the food that you can eat every 
single day for the rest of your life?
4. Adele or Katy Perry? Why?
5. What's the best thing about blogging?
6. Where is your dream vacation?
7. Would you rather fly up in the clouds or swim under the sea?
8. Who is your closest blogger friend?
9. What is your dream closet must have? (bags/shoes/clothes/accessories)
10. classic or trendy? Why?
11. What is the smallest / simpliest thing that makes you happy?

My 11 Nominees:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

ube queso

never thought that every piece of clothing on this outfit
would look good together ( at least for me. haha )

Wanna know why this post is entitled "ube queso"???

click Read More for outfit photos and details :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

black and a lil bit of white

A very simple outfit post showcasing my 
houndstooth purse and pumps.

click Read More for outfit photos and details! :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

let's celebrate : interview with ladylike delicacy

"people are different, it's a cliche but it's true."

Sara is one of my recent favorite bloggers. I just discovered her 
blog last month. I was totally stunned by her love for 
vintage fashion and I admire her talent in sewing.

"wear what you like and not what others expect you to."

click Read More for the complete interview :)