despite of being a broken hearted bee for almost 2 quarters of 2012,
I still feel very loved, blessed, and thankful.
Here are some of the reasons why...
I finally learn how to accept and love my big ears and to show it off,
I decided to get a side-shaved hairstyle last May and September.
I got my first pair of Leviathan wedges by Gold Dot and a letter from
Karl Leuterio on the day of my birthday! YAY!!! :)
I got my first ever sponsor last November few weeks after I posted my
e-mail address here on my blog and finally, I achieved my dream hair color! :)
We got a new stubborn, playful, lazy but a lovable puppy last August.
I reached 100+ followers last November, Thank you! :)
Spend the Christmas day playing games, eating, and drinking with my
cousins during our annual Christmas Reunion :)
Got to travel to Puerto Princesa, Palawan. Went snorkeling with my sister
and visited the Underground River with my fam bam last July. :)
Stayed in Boracay for 5 days with my fam bam last October.
I have to force my sister to try the parasailaing with me. haha :))

I also meet a lot of new friends around the blogsphere
and some of them became my closest friends.
Despite of gaining new friends, my college friends are still around and
got to bond with them last September.
and the last photo shows my workmates. I am so thankful that after
quitting 2 jobs this year, I found a job where I enjoy
working with these awesome people.
aside from these reasons, I still feel very blessed because of my very
supportive family, relatives, friends, and you lovely bees. You've
been with me from a heart breaking nightmare to
a new and awesome start after getting over from
the worst nightmare that a girl can have.
Thank goodness and God for giving me each and everyone of you!
for 2013, I promise to still appreciate every little things that life has to offer.
I promise to still feel thankful and feel blessed not because of the
material things but because of every waking hours and sunrise of my life.
Love, Maria