With the enormous rise of fashion blogging this day,
all of us are inspired and captivated by the outfit photos
that posted on our favorite blogs.
We became more open to different styles and we are inspired
by real people with real bodies. They might seem to be perfect but
they got some insecurities and flaws too but they love it.
It's just shows that we, normal people can express who we are by
wearing clothes that we love without worrying about our figures.
All we have to do is to accept, love, and be comfortable
about who we are no matter how many flaws we have.
In this new segment on my blog which will be posted every Saturday,
I'll be posting interviews with some of my new and old favorite
fashion bloggers hoping that you, lovely bees and awesome people
will get inspiration finding your own style and get motivated to love
and be comfortable about your own body.
Let's celebrate our love for fashion and for our bodies!!!
Love, Maria
p.s First ever blog interview will be posted next Saturday.
photo credits to the bloggers who participated on this segment :)