Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the way it used to be

here's what my hair looked like before I cut it off :D

what I love about my long hair is that I can style it  into a high bun  like this...

photo c/o maree from the bts of our first paid ps. haha :D

check out my next post to see my new hair. :D

<3 Maria


  1. wow really? that owl ring cost 20php?

    that would totally match my earrings and necklace, you know. hehehe.

    im so in love with the portrait lens. i just had a photoshoot with it awhile ago... if you like, you can see them in my blog....

    thanks for the comment. :D hope to be good blogger buddies

  2. yup. its 20php. got it from divi, I think they're on sale kasi lahat 20 php lang. haha. :D


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